
Silent Sky Preview

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Ella Meyer 

Staff Writer 

Mishawaka – Get ready for exciting things coming to Bethel in the upcoming theatre season! To kick it off, Bethel will be showing a play called Silent Sky, a historical drama about a woman who discovered how to measure the distance between stars while struggling to get recognition as a woman in the field of science. I spoke with Kate Nofziger, the actress who will be portraying Margaret Leavitt, who is the sister of the main character. When I asked what Kate’s favorite thing about Silent Sky is, she told me that although it is technically a drama, it will make you “belly laugh, and also just be shocked and tear up all at the same time. It’s beautifully written.” When Kate was asked if she had a favorite quote from the play, she said it would have to be, “Leave the ham, get the car,” from her character Margaret. If you want to know what this means, please come see the play from November 2-4! 

After Silent Sky, Bethel will be showing Charlotte’s Web, some performances from a group of touring Bethel students called the Genesians, a Broadway cabaret called It Takes Two, and a musical that will remain a surprise for now. In February, Bethel will also be doing a 24-hour theatre project, which will involve five different 10-minute shows that will be cast, written, rehearsed, and performed within 24 hours. Don Hunter, the theatre department chair, said this event “leads to students getting the opportunity to write a full-length play or a one-act play, and then sometimes we produce those works too.”  

If these performances sound interesting to you, please watch for more information to be given as the semester progresses!  


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