Student Life

GO! Week Recap

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Emily Butnariu 

Staff Writer 

Mishawaka - The Week between January 22nd and January 26th Bethel was able to experience a week full of culture in many different aspects. Bethel had guest speakers who have served either locally or overseas and this helped bring the bethel community closer. In this week we had Geoff King, Michaele LaVigne, and Jeremy Tice speak at our campus to open the hearts and minds of students. There were very powerful messages on loving on our neighbors the way we were shown love and going to where God had called us. During this GO week we also had people at Bethel who served in other countries and had experienced the culture of other places had the opportunity to host students and facility members for Bethel to experience different cultures and understand different background.  This gave students the opportunity to experience new foods and understand the giving cultures of other countries. This gave Bethel students the courage and desire to know more about serving overseas and truly have a heart for missions with understanding how and why people do and act the way they do. One of the Resident Directors of Bethel had served in Spain and had students over and helped them learn more about the culture in Spain and cultural food they have. The students were able to enjoy Paella, which is a Spanish rice dish with seafood and Churros a cinnamon dessert. The students had the opportunity to see what a missionary in Spain was experiencing and doing. The students were able to discuss missions and the desire to know more. Bethel also had Jeremy Tice host students, who were able to enjoy a Peanut Curry with a South African heritage and understand the hearts of ministers in South African and what they would experience. Overall, the GO week had a huge impact on Bethel students and helped bring a new outlook on Missions and culture.  

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