Campus News

Bethel’s commuter Assistants host the final event of the year 

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MISHAWAKA- As students near the end of the semester, Bethel’s commuter assistants are planning an event to bring students together in celebration of the end of the school year. 

This event is a BBQ party with games, food and water activities. This event will be hosted in partnership with Impact Campus Ministries and will take place at the house of a couple who’s involved in Impact ministries. The hope of the event is to build community and to help all students feel like they have a place and a home on Bethel’s campus.

“There are no expectations, we just want to show love,” said Joey Cuevas, one of the commuter assistants. 

The BBQ party will include food, yard games, and opportunities for activities on the water. The couple from Impact Ministries has invited Bethel students to come to their house and play on their lake and in their yard. The event will take place on April 22, at 6:30 p.m., at 56055 Riviera Blvd. South Bend. This event is designed with commuters in mind but all students are invited to join in the festivities. Students are encouraged to reach out to Cuevas at to RSVP so she can make sure she has enough food for everyone coming, but an RSVP is not required. 

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