
Letter from the Editor

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Letter from the Editor


Greetings friends,  Sometimes, it’s difficult to know what to write about. I love Bethel and have been grateful to spend six years of my academic journey here, beginning with REACH classes in high school and continuing through for four full years of undergradu... More »


Letter From the Editor


Greetings friends,  As I write this letter on the evening of Feb. 13, 2023, some of our peers in the world of academia are experiencing polar opposite phenomena. On the one hand, Asbury University, 337 miles south, is rejoicing in a great revival sweeping its ... More »


Letter From the Editor


This is my tenth semester with the Beacon. Despite my love for this community, I sometimes feel at a loss for what to write or share. We have been through several hardships together these past couple of years, and the healing process always takes time. The hea... More »

Letter from the Editor


Greetings friends, Across Bethel’s campus, new posters have appeared that inform students they have paid $72 for each 50-minute class and $108 for each 80-minute class. The posters use these facts to encourage students to avoid skipping classes. This encourage... More »

From the Assistant Editor


Hello Bethel Readers,  Thank you so much for taking the time to read what we have worked so hard on. I hope you enjoyed my crosswords. I’ve had a blast making them. They were difficult because I did them by hand. This is an experience I recommend fully. I’d st... More »


Letter from the Editor


Greetings Bethel,  The world recently noted the one-year anniversary of recognizing the COVID-19 virus as a pandemic. This time last school year, we were all at home, unknowingly awaiting the news that the rest of the semester would be completed virtually. Thi... More »


Letter from the Editor


Greetings Bethel community,  It’s been almost exactly one year since the previous print edition of The Beacon. We’ve all been through a lot during that time, as individuals and as an institution. Many of us have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic still wre... More »


From the Asst. Editor


Salutations, Beacon Readers!  Congratulations—you are holding in your hands the first print edition of the Beacon this decade! You should receive three print editions this semester, so keep your eyes peeled for those in the coming weeks.  Additionally, you can... More »


Letter from the Editor


Greetings, Bethel Beacon Readers!  How are you all doing? That was a rhetorical question, of course, this letter being posted online and all. But wait, perhaps it isn’t a rhetorical question; I want to know how you are doing. I want to hear from you, our reade... More »




Hello Bethel University! Here’s to a new school year and new school name! My name is Josiah Hackett, and I am the new editor for the Bethel Beacon. I am excited to showcase and collaborate with the budding journalists here at the Bethel Beacon. We plan to prov... More »