Student Life

BU Commuters Continue Hosting Monthly Game Nights 

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MISHAWAKA — The commuter students at Bethel University recently held their monthly game night on Oct. 28. These game nights are hosted at the home of Tom and Jill Neyhart, workers with Impact Ministries. These events are scheduled to run from 6:30 p.m. to midnight, but those times are somewhat flexible, according to Commuter Assistant Kadie Sue Martin. 

“It’s at Tom and Jill’s house, they are with Impact Ministries, and they partnered alongside the Bethel commuters last year and this year to kind of help support us since we do have such a low budget,” Martin said.  

“For this time, we’re kind of doing a Halloween theme, so there will be the normal games,” Martin said. “Secret Hitler is a big hit for some of the people . . . we’re also doing a special costume party type thing, so you can come dressed as somebody if you want.” 

According to Martin, while there could have been movies at game nights, they chose to stick with games because it causes more communication and connection between the commuters.  

“We always have food, it’s always different, but it’s great home cooked meals, which is just amazing to have since we’re always normally on the go,” Martin said.  

Martin said that game night is open to anyone in the college age range who is looking for an evening of fun and community. 

“A lot of the kids bring their resident friends, I know some people bring family,” Martin said. “It’s fun to get to meet everybody and it increases your connection with other people. I actually brought a friend from high school who isn’t going to college anywhere right now, but he needed a better social connection to people, and he was really lonely. So it was a great opportunity for him to branch out and make that connection.” 

Follow the commuters on Instagram @bu_commuterlife for all the latest updates on events. 

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