Student Life

Intramural Basketball Begins

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MISHAWAKA – Bethel's 5 v. 5 intramural basketball began on Oct. 17 and is continuing through Nov. 3. According to Nick Geever, each team is allowed a maximum number of 10 members, and teams may be composed of all one gender or composed of both genders. Each mixed-gender team is required to have at least two females. The sign-up sheet is located on Bethel University Intramurals’ Instagram page @betheluniversityintramurals.  

The first two weeks of this event will be free-for-all, with teams playing to see where they will land in the playoffs during the final week. Playoffs will be single-elimination games. If teams do not agree with the game time they receive from Geever, they must work with their opponents to reschedule the event.  

After intramural basketball is completed, the semester will close out with intramural volleyball. Geever said to watch for further details about that to be posted at a later date. 

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