
Bethel Commuters Make Semester Plans 

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MISHAWAKA– On Friday, Jan. 27, Impact Ministries collaborated with Commuter Life to host the first commuter game night of the spring semester. The game nights typically occur the last Friday of every month and are a way to engage the commuters of the Bethel community. The event was described by Commuter Assistant Kadie Sue Martin as being very come-and-go. 

The game nights begin at 6:30 p.m. and kick off with dinner, followed by various board, card, and video games for the remainder of the night. The crowd is usually around thirty, including commuters and residential students, as well as some students from IUSB. The event takes place at the home of Tom and Jill Carpenter, who work with Impact Ministries. Their address is listed on event announcements on the Bethel Commuter Instagram page: @bu_commuterlife. 

For the upcoming semester, Commuter Life plans to do two events a month: the traditional game night and another varied event. They also plan to have some commuter-specific events during DUDE and BABE weeks, as well as an end-of-semester cookout. 

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